Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Back to Black: Outfit Post

Ok for serious I haven't updated at all and the title of the last post was a lie because I got lazy and didn't update and withheld from updating for various little reasons so from now on just do not say. I won't promise anything and I'll post when I post them when I feel like posting them. I'll force myself to update because making habit out of things is the start to a better lifestyle. From now on I'll be experimenting with my blog.

This post will about what I wore to Art in the Park last Saturday March 16. I went out with my family so it was a fun day. I happily found awesome h.Naoto pieces in the thrift store recently! More beyond the cut.

Shoes: h.Naoto (thrifted, I forgot how much but below 500)
Skirt: h.Anarchism for Plus by h.Naoto (thrifted for Php50)
Top: No brand (thrifted for Php50)
Spike Headband: Dark~Sweet~Soul

I'm pretty sure I haven't mentioned enough how much I'm loving the studs and spikes punk trend. I know I'll be sad when the fad is over since I won't be able to find interesting pieces. I'm digging deep into my closet and pulling out my gothic/punk inspirations or however you call it.

Back when I was a frosh in college I'd sport all sorts of interesting mash ups from what I'd find in the thrift store. I fancied myself with fashion inspirations from Harajuku (or so I'd like to think) and dreamed of owning coveted and popular brands. Well it seems my thrift scavenging religiously, in one store might I add, has finally paid off. I found two h.Naoto pieces.

I found these shoes at my favorite thrift store. I saw it, loved it, and bought them without hesitation. It's not the first time I found something of a popular brand but hey it's h.Naoto that's something totally note worthy! I don't even remember how much I bought them for at the thrift store. They fit me so well it was like destiny to find them there, like they were just waiting for me. Crazy talk aside, I was sure whoever owned these would have had another pair of branded clothing elsewhere in the shop.

I eventually came across this skirt. Not at the same time as the shoes mind you. I found this during the thrift shop's clearing out sale where everything was Php50. YES I got it for only that much and I couldn't believe my luck!!! I love the paint splatters and web design and I am so happy that it's a garter and not a button up.

Here's the tag for proof~! Wow now I'm sure these belong to the same person. I just wonder if there were more but I should leave that behind me or I'll hate myself unnecessarily for not scavenging harder. As you can see the tag says H.Anarchism for Plush by H.NAOTO. Gosh I remember seeing skirts that go for like 80$ just because of the brand on this tag so I'm so happy atm. Sorry if it looks like I'm bragging but these two articles of clothing will probably never ever leave my closet and will become epic hand me downs!

Lastly here's a lovely head piece. I've been looking for spike headbands for ages and what do you know, they have cat ears, predictable me. I bought them recently from Dark~Sweet~Soul. She makes lovely leather pieces not just spikey head bands but chokers and bracelets too! Please give her shop a visit if you're into similar fashion statements. I have another head piece from her but I'll make a separate devoted post for both items! That's all I have for today and it's quite a lot so thank you for reading. Til next time.

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