Friday, 8 April 2011

Etude House Mini Haul

So as I was saying I'd make a separate post for my mini Etude House Haul. I couldn't find any clothes but I needed to buy skin care products anyway. Etude House is a lovely Korean brand. It doesn't overprice it's products so i find a lot of good cheap products there.

Ok Let's start off with the moisturizer.
498 Pesos

They apparently now have a line for sensitive skin. I wanted to give it a try. The packaging is very simple. It has this nice texture to the paper. Feels organic.

The bottle is simple. The cream inside is white and is scented. I'm not really a big fan of strong scents but this one is ok.

78 Pesos

I also bought these nose pore strips. I tried them on the night after the event and well I don't really understand if it worked or not. I did'n't see a difference but maybe because i don't really have blemishes on my nose.

58 Pesos

I needed one of these. My eyebrows are actually unruly just very thin hairs so its not noticeable.

I like the plastic it came in. Very simple with a lace pattern. I'm a sucker for fills, laces, and ribbons.

The shaver itself works very well. Very easy to use too.

Next we have the highlight of this haul!

The Etude House Kissable Chou! 278 Pesos

My mom bought this before but gave it away and I wanted to get a new one ever since. It's a very good lip tint. It comes out as a light pink substance that you apply to your lips. It looks natural and makes your lips feel nice soft and kissable! Also has a candy like flavor of sorts.

Under Lashes 198 Pesos
These are lovely and gyaru!

I unfortunately don't know how to wear these. I tried them on yesterday and well you'd need to be wearing contact lenses to pull this off in my opinion. 

Last one isn't from Etude House but is a great find!

Marionnaud Bullet Brush!
Sorry if it's dirty I used it during Bahaghari.

Ever since I got the 88 matte palette i felt like my brushes were inadequate. On my way out of the department store I came across the Marionnaud stand and checking the prices I just had to get it! 89 pesos for a wonderfully soft brush. Feathers eyeshadow out nicely too. d=w=b

Well that's about it for this mini haul. 

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